Budgie Mix

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  • Regular price $15.00
  • 2 available
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Millets are annual grasses and are some of the oldest of cultivated crops. They are rich in carbohydrates and low in fibre.

Canaryseed is a winter grass and is grown anywhere wheat can be grown. Canaryseed is a vital ingredient in birdseed mixes as it is highly palatable and nutritionally different from millet being higher in fibre and lower in carbohydrates. Maintains a consistent level of canaryseed in all blends, no matter what the cost.

Hulled Oats or Groats is the grain kernel of oats after the hull has been removed. Hulled Oats are highly palatable and like millets, full of carbohydrates 


White French Millet, Panorama, Canary Seed, Jap Millet, Panicum, Shirohie Millet, Red Panicum and/or Hulled Oats




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