NV Vitamin C Injection 100ml

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COMPOSITION Ascorbic acid 500 mg/mL ACTIONSVITAMIN C (Ascorbic acid) INJECTION provides Vitamin C supplementation.VITAMIN C is essential to normal joint cartilage maintenance and repair.VITAMIN C acts to reduce stress and improves cardiovascular function.Key Features & Benefits:VITAMIN C is a major antioxidant to neutralise free radicals.VITAMIN C enhances tissue healing and growth.VITAMIN C improves immune function and acts as an anti-inflammatory agent.DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATIONHorses: Give 5 - 10 mL by intramuscular injection regularly twice weekly, oras advised by a veterinary surgeon.Dogs: Give 1 - 2 mL by intramuscular injection regularly twice weekly, oras advised by a veterinary surgeon.VITAMIN C can be safely used with all Nature Vet products.



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