A reliable, poison-free solution to sticky pest control problems!
These traps are pre-baited with synthetic insect pheromones. Pheromones are chemicals insects excrete to communicate with their own kind.
Insects leave a trail of phereomones for their own kind to follow. Insect predators often use these pheromone trails to track down insects.
House Lizards (Geckos) being an insect predator will be lured by the scent and get itself stuck in the pool of slow-curing glue. No amount of toxins is ever present, therefore the trap is safe for children and pets.
- Ready to use
- Non-toxic
- Pre-baited
- Sanitary
- Convenient
- Disposable
- Weather resistant for indoor and outdoor use
How to use:-
Peel a corner of the Lizard Trap and gently tear open to expose the 2-inner sides of slow drying glue surfaces. Both sides could be used individually for trapping lizards.