Leder Leather Lube 500ml

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  • Regular price $22.99
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Special additives prevent odours and preserve skin while tanning.
• 500mL of Leather Lube will treat approximately 6 kilograms of skin, 2.5 litres of Lube will cover approximately 30 kilograms.
• Leather Lube is used at the final stage of the tanning process to help turn your hide into pliable leather.
THE TANNING PROCESS: Please also see 'Tanning Kits - Utility & Commercial for full tanning instructions'

FINISHING WITH LEATHER LUBE:  When you are satisfied with the tanning process, wash the skin and hang it out on a line to dry.  Brush on the Leder’s Leather Lube with the Tanning Knife or a soft brush.  Generally 120mL of Leather Lube per kg is required, however for cattle hides and sheep skins with longer wool, 100mL per kg is usually sufficient.  Using less Lube than directed may result in stiff, hard leather.  Finish by trimming the tanned hide to suit.

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