Surefire Weedpro Bio Aqua 360

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  • Regular price $29.95
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Active Ingredient: Glyphosate

A non-selective herbicide for the control of a broad range of annual, perennial and aquatic weeds.

Surefire Weedpro BioAqua, is a non-selective herbicide for the control of a broad range of annual, perennial and aquatic weeds.

It is a water-soluble glyphosate-containing herbicide for non-selective control of most perennial, annual weeds, brush, and woody weeds, unwanted tree control, and aquatic weeds in non-cultivated situations.

It is widely labeled for non-agricultural areas including around buildings, commercial and industrial areas, domestic and public service areas, rights of ways, and aquatic areas as per the directions for use table.

In agricultural crop areas, it can be used in conservation tillage for control of weeds prior to crop sowing or post-harvest.

It is suitable for boom spray, knapsack, wiper, and controlled droplet application equipment.

Available in 1 litre, 5 litre 



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