Woolly Pod Vetch (Hard Seeded)

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  • Regular price $14.95
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Self regenerating annual type of vetch. Grows in autumn, winter and spring. Suited to a wide range of soil types, especially well-drained soils. Does not tolerate waterlogging. Tolerates soils with moderate levels of exchangeable soil aluminium. It can be a weed problem in winter crops. Forage crop vetches are also available. Note that some other species of vetch are marketed that are not self- regenerating and are used primarily as forage crops rather than for self regenerating pastures

4-10 kg/ha.

Hard seed levels: Increasing hard seed levels increase regeneration potential. Soft varieties are useful for short crop rotations. 

Productivity: Especially in winter

Due to quarantine restrictions, we do not ship seeds to Western Australia or Tasmania 



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